2024 Buenos Aires Tour!

November 8-16, 2024

The 2024 trip is full!
Pay a refundable deposit for 2025!

with Dale Ellison and her group
Tango Rojo/Charleston, SC

Immerse yourself in the excitement of
Buenos Aires!

This is a trip for dancers who want to spend a fun week dancing, taking classes from renowned instructors, going to traditional milongas every night and enjoying the ambiance of a beautiful and exciting city. Minimum 6 participants.

The trip fee includes:

  • 4 Star Hotel in the heart of B.A. luxury rooms, including breakfast (based on double occupancy, but participants find their own room mate if they want to share a room)
  • Transportation to and from Buenos Aires Airport with the group
  • An exciting Tango Dinner Show in a traditional venue
  • Six Tango classes - some for our group only- with well known instructors that we personally know and respect
  • A different Milonga every night with reserved seating for our group
  • City Tour to the various historical neighborhoods
  • Shopping for Tango Shoes at diverse shoe stores
  • Local transportation to and from classes, milongas and activities are included. (Transportation for separate excursions, independent taxi rides, is not included.)
  • Pre-Trip meeting to go over the essentials of tango in Argentina - (tipping, the “cabeceo” and nuances of asking and being asked to dance, milonga etiquette, classes, trip logistics, what to expect, what to bring, how to dress.)

Not Included:

  • Airfare
  • Meals and beverages
  • tango shoes!!!

Prices and Deadlines

  • Early Bird Trip fee: $2400 if deposit is paid before April 30, 2024
  • Standard Trip fee: $2500 if deposit paid before July 31, 2024
  • Late turtle trip fee: $2700 if deposit is paid after August 1, 2024
  • All above prices are per person based on double occupancy. $500 single room supplement.
  • $600 deposit required to guarantee your spot.

Important dates in 2024

  • April 30: Early bird trip fee ends
  • May 1: Regular trip fee begins
  • July 31st: $600 deposit non-refundable after this date
  • September 15: Full balance of trip fee due
  • October 1st: Trip fee non-refundable after this date.
  • Departure from NYC or SC: November 8 Friday night
  • Departure from Buenos Aires EZE Airport: November 16, arriving home November 17 morning.

call or email for more information:
+1 (203) 584-4480

You can Pay the $600 deposit here to guarantee your spot:

diary of a Sunday walk in Buenos Aires

Gem's annotated diary, with photos. Click on the image for FaceBook Album!

Buenos Aires

Photo Galleries
(Click on the image for full gallery)

Your picture here!
Be part of our 2025 group!
contact us.


2023 Photos on Google


2022 Photos on Google


2019 Photos on Google


2018 Photos on Flickr


2016 Photos on Flickr


2016 Photos on Flickr


2015 Photos on Flickr


2014 Photos on Flickr


2013 Photos on Flickr


2012 Photos on Flickr


2011 Photos on Flickr


2010 Photos on Flickr


2009 Tour Photos on Flickr


2007 Photos

Comments from past participants:

“Please accept my sincere thanks to you and Dale for the wonderful trip to Buenos Aires. Every detail was covered so meticulouslyby the two of you.... Certainly we were there to learn and your choices of instructors for our group were marvelous.” - L. L.

“The trip was terrific! The activities varied, informative, and infinitely fun! The food, the hotel accommodations and all the details of traveling abroad could not have been better.” - A. B.

"Just wanted to thank you and Dale Ellison for an amazing third trip to Buenos Aires. As I've gotten more accustomed to the trip, its easier to be more observant and I've never seen meeting planners or tour guides be better planned, well organized, more efficient or more caring of your proteges than you two. It is not easy moving 20 people from place to place and you do it with style, efficiency and good humor. In addition, you take the time to assist us with individual requests, like shoe store shopping, private lesson arrangements, taxi dancer bookings..... I've never seen any of you look impatient or cross, let alone loose your cool. Besides the fact the milonga venues, restaurants and classes you pick are well researched and a delight, it's worth going just to watch you guys organize a trip. Thanks so much. Looking forward to trip no. 4

"I am still savoring the wonderful laughter! The moments we shared will stay in my heart forever indeed. Our hosts, Dale and Gem, were just so fabulous! I do not have enough words of gratitude!" - S. J.

"The Buenos Aires trip was one of the most fun and fulfilling travel experiences I have enjoyed. It was extremely well planned and I felt completely safe in this big strange city. The hotel was beautiful and clean, the classes were excellent, the Milongas were varied and fun, and the shopping opportunities and the restaurants chosen by Gem and Dale were superb. I heartily recommend this trip to anyone who loves Tango and wants to experience the real thing!" - J. N.

“I have taken this trip twice now, and was more impressed and had an even better time the second trip than the first. You will marvel, as I do, at the amount of planning and attention to detail Dale and Gem put into every aspect and facet of this trip. The group is so small, you have almost all the benefits of traveling alone, while enjoying the luxury, safety and security of having experienced instructors, dancers and tour guides handling everything from housing to transportation to meals. And, Gem and Dale are most kind in assisting with personal issues related to the trip, whether it be with the hotel, or an outside vendor or a personal issue. I’m already planning my third trip with them and you should not hesitate to experience this trip!! Five Stars!!!” - L. L.